On 10 March 2025, as the developer of Royal Group Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (RGPPSEZ), we were greatly honored to attend the Official Inauguration Ceremony of Marvel Garment Daycare Center, presided over by Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei HUN MANET Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, as well as many high-ranking officials and representatives from Marvel Garment Co., Ltd.
The Daycare Center is designed to be a place that provides quality care for young children of workers at Marvel Garment factory in a safe, respectful and healthy environment. The center accepts taking care of children between the age of 3 months and 36 months, with the capacity of 170 children in the current state. At present, there are 17 babysitters, 1 nurse and 1 administrator that have completed the basic training in childcare and management of the center.
Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei HUN MANET Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, in his meet and greet with the guardians of the children, mentioned that establishing daycare centers is one of the 10 principles that the Royal Government of Cambodia has put in place since the beginning of its mandate through the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, which is the lead organization. The Government policies have also been providing various benefits to pregnant workers, including allowance for 4 times checkup appointments prior to labor and monetary support at labor etc., which is a continued policy from the previous government.
We are extremely proud to have witnessed the establishment of a daycare center in our zone. This reflects the strong commitment of Marvel Garment, who always care about their workers’ well-being. This daycare center will surely help lessen the burden of the working mothers and help improve their living standard. We hope this sets a very good model for other factories in the country.